Saturday, April 11, 2015

By God's Grace

By God's Grace
Because of this Great God we serve, his grace and mercy, our past trip to Haiti was a great blessing. We had the opportunity to meet with the people of the village of Bercy.  With the students of MVCS, we served the families of upper Bercy food and provided them with rice, beans, and oil to feed them for the next month.  

Also delivered dresses and clothing for the boys from an organization called "Dress a Girl" and "Dress a Dude".  They were so excited to receive new clothing. Thank you to all who helped make this happen.

We will be drilling two wells on April 11, please pray for clean, unsalted water.  And now as we prepare for our last 7 weeks here in the states, please pray for our transition to Haiti and to serve full time on the Mission Field.  God is faithful and our Great provider, thank you for all your prayers and support